Older adults are more likely to lose a tooth or several teeth due to the natural process of bone structure degeneration. Likewise, individuals who don’t wear a mouthguard while playing high-contact sports can also easily lose their teeth. If you ever need a solution to repairing one or more missing teeth, consider using dental bridges in Clyde, NC.

Unlike other alternatives, this procedure doesn’t involve dental surgery. For this reason, more and more patients who aren’t good candidates for dental implants and crowns decide to use dental bridges to “bridge” the gaps in their smiles.

getting Dental Bridges Clyde NC

Frequently Asked Questions About Bridges

What is a Dental Bridge?

This restorative dental procedure involves the placement of a tooth-like placeholder or a pontic in areas where one or more teeth are missing. The pontics that act like regular teeth are made of various medical-grade prosthetic tooth materials, including ones that are porcelain-fused.

How Do They Work?

Dentists use these restorative structures to replace missing teeth that may have been lost to age, dental decay, trauma, or extraction. Thanks to one of the biggest advances of modern dentistry, bridges can now be created to last even longer and look more natural than ever.

What Are the Different Types of Tooth Bridges?

Tooth bridges come in various types:

·      Traditional Dental Bridge

This type of dental bridge uses dental crowns to hold one or several prosthetic teeth in place. Moreover, since the dentist cements the crowns onto the tops of the adjacent teeth, they provide adequate support for the pontic.

·      Implant-Supported Bridge

If you have more than a single tooth missing between dental implants that were already placed, you should seriously consider getting an implant-supported bridge. Rather than being attached to your natural teeth, the dentist attaches this type of bridge to one or more implants.

·      Cantilever Bridge

If your dentist thinks that using a pontic to fill the end-gap is better than allowing the missing tooth to go unfilled, they may recommend the use of a cantilever bridge. Instead of attaching the bridge to both sides to support it, the dentist attaches it to an abutment on one side.

·      Maryland Bridge

Compared to traditional bridges, the Maryland bridge is a more conservative alternative. This type of bridge uses a porcelain or metal framework to hold one or more prosthetic teeth in place in the back, over the gap. This framework backing provides enough support because the dentist bonds it onto the backs of the two teeth that are adjacent to your missing teeth.

Do They Involve a Painful Procedure?

Since local anesthesia will be used to numb the area, the placement of dental bridges won’t hurt. However, you may experience mild discomfort and sensitivity after the numbing agent wears off. This can be relieved by taking over-the-counter pain medication.

Are They Removable?

Traditional, fixed bridges aren’t removable because they’re permanently cemented in your mouth. However, you can also opt for partial dentures that can be removed while you sleep or when you clean them.  

getting Dental Bridges Clyde NC

Do You Need Dental Bridges in Clyde, NC?

The team of dedicated professionals at Cataloochee Dental Group wants you to achieve the healthy set of teeth you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.