Maintaining good oral health keeps teeth and gums healthy and strong. Although most people brush their teeth at least twice daily, many fail to use the correct brushing techniques, leading to oral health issues, such as bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease. If you want to ensure a lifetime of bright and healthy smiles, be glad to know your hygienist or dentist in Clyde, NC, will gladly demonstrate proper brushing techniques during your next appointment.

Woman putting toothpaste on a toothbrush before visiting her Dentist in Clyde NC

Brushing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Brushing Too Hard

Besides causing considerable damage to your gum tissue and tooth enamel, vigorous brushing can expose your tooth roots, leading to tooth sensitivity and gum recession. You can avoid this by applying gentle pressure while using back-and-forth or circular motions to clean teeth and gum surfaces. Instead of using force, you’ll want to let the bristles do the work.

Failing to Brush Long Enough

Brushing for under two minutes won’t be enough to clean your teeth thoroughly. When you don’t brush long enough, you’ll likely miss important areas in your mouth, such as the gumline and back teeth. Unless you take your time and brush thoroughly, plaque will continue to build up in these areas and cause tooth decay and gum disease over time.

To avoid these problems, dental health experts recommend using a timer or an electric toothbrush with a timer to ensure you’re brushing for the full two minutes.

Using the Wrong Toothbrush

The size and shape of your toothbrush should fit your mouth comfortably. You won’t reach all areas of your mouth and effectively clean your teeth if your toothbrush is too big or too small. Likewise, a hard-bristled toothbrush can push plaque and bacteria further into the gums, making them harder to remove. Hard bristles are too harsh on tooth enamel and may irritate the gums.

Dentists typically recommend soft bristles because they’re gentle on the gums, more effective in eliminating plaque and food particles, and less abrasive on the tooth enamel.

Not Brushing at the Right Angle

Failing to angle your toothbrush properly can lead to ineffective cleaning, gum damage, and enamel erosion. To ensure you’re brushing at the right angle, you’ll want to hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth and gums. While at it, avoid brushing straight across your teeth to avoid causing damage to your gum tissue.

Forgetting to Brush Your Tongue

Did you know your tongue can harbor bacteria that cause bad breath and tooth decay? You can keep your tongue clean and your mouth healthy by brushing or using a tongue scraper.

Brushing Too Often

Brushing your teeth more than three times daily can damage your tooth enamel. It’s best to stick to brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with mouthwash to remove bacteria and freshen your breath.

In addition, you’ll want to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth because brushing immediately after enjoying a meal can cause enamel erosion.

Not Replacing Your Toothbrush

Replacing your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed or worn out is an important part of maintaining good oral health and hygiene. Without regular toothbrush replacement, your toothbrush can accumulate harmful bacteria. Likewise, worn-out toothbrush bristles are less effective in eliminating plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums.

Woman smiling and brushing her teeth before visiting her dentist in Clyde NC

Looking for the Best Dentist in Clyde, NC?

At Cataloochee Dental Group, we offer high-quality services in a professional environment. Contact us now to make an appointment.